Center of Examination

The role of the Controller of Examinations (COE) office, the Center of Examination, is to execute fair and timely examinations as per the academic and examination calendar of the Somaiya Vidyavihar University (SVU) for the various UG/PG/Ph.D programmes.

In addition to setting of process, procedures and guidelines for evaluation and examination, the center of examination has to do the amendment of them from time to time. The proper documentation is one of the main aspects of implementation of any system. The center of examination has a commitment and a very distinct system for the same.

The successful execution of SVU examinations depends greatly on the integrity, alertness and sincerity of all the stake holders involved in examination system. The examination cells of individual constituent colleges play a very important role in execution of whole evaluation and examination processes. Their kind support and continuous efforts make it possible to the center of examination of SVU to run the whole system transparent, timely and efficiently.

Under the mentorship and valuable guidance of the members of BOS, members of faculty, members of AC, members of BOE, Head of the Institutions, Registrar and the honorable Vice - Chancellor the center of examination of SVU will remain starving to achieve greater heights of success.

Dr. R G. Karandikar


Center of Examination, Room No. A118, First floor,
KJSSE, Vidyavihar, Mumbai-77

Tel: 022 6644 9191/9017, Mobile: 9869218446


Working hours/Contact timing: Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays), 10.00 am to 6.00 pm

Dr. K. K. Praneeth

Deputy Controller of Examination

Strong Room, Center of Examination, Basement, Chanakya, KJSIM, Vidyavihar, Mumbai- 77

Tel: 022 692 46089/90, Mobile: 7012855710


Working hours/Contact timing: Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays), 10.00 am to 6.00 pm

Mrs. Madhura Nikhil Raje

(ME EXTC) Section Officer (SO) COE Office

Center of Examination, Room No. A118, First floor,
KJSSE, Vidyavihar, Mumbai-77

Tel: 022 6644 9191/9017


Ms. Prachi Pujari

Executive COE Office (M.Com)

Strong Room, Center of Examination, Basement, Chanakya, KJSIM, Vidyavihar, Mumbai- 77

Tel: 022 692 46089/90


Mr. Ganesh Bhakare

Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS)

Strong Room, Center of Examination, Basement, Chanakya, KJSIM, Vidyavihar, Mumbai- 77

Tel: 022 692 46089/90
