University Electoral Literacy Club

University Electoral Literacy Club

According to the revised manual of NAAC dated 01.02.2023, Somaiya Vidyavihar University has established an Electoral Literacy Club (ELC) to engage students through interesting activities and hands-on experiences to sensitize them on their electoral rights and familiarize them with the electoral process of registration and voting. Through ELC, the Election Commission of India aims at strengthening the culture of electoral participation among young and future voters.


  • Promote Awareness: The main objective of ELC is to promote awareness of the 'Right to Vote' among students, faculty members, and the community at large.
  • Enable Critical Thinking: To enable critical thinking on issues related to election rights, democracies, and their processes.
  • Educate Future Voters: UELC works to educate future voters about enrolment and other electoral processes like EVM/VVPAT.
  • Develop Electoral Participation Culture: To develop a culture of electoral participation and maximize informed and ethical voting by following the principles ‘Every Vote Counts’ and ‘No Voter to be Left Behind’.
  • Organize Educational Activities: Conduct workshops, seminars, and webinars to educate students about their electoral rights and responsibilities.
  • Promote Voter Registration: Initiate and support voter registration drives to ensure all eligible students are registered voters.
  • Conduct Mock Elections: Organize mock elections to give students a practical understanding of the electoral process.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Launch awareness campaigns to inform students and the community about the importance of voting and participating in the democratic process.
  • Resource Development: Develop and distribute educational resources such as brochures, posters, and digital content on electoral literacy.
  • Collaborate with Election Authorities: Work in collaboration with the Election Commission of India and other relevant authorities to promote electoral participation.
  • Feedback and Research: Collect feedback from students on electoral issues and conduct research to improve the effectiveness of electoral literacy programs.

Mr. Rajesh Dhotre


Dr. Sudha Gupta


Dr. Krupa Rai


Dr. Usha Sharma


Dr. Amit Naik


Dr. Bhagyashree Bavare


Ms. Munira Ozarwala


Mr. Akshat Shetty


Mr. Parthib Chakrabarty


Ms. Yadnika Adhatrao


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