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Dr. A.K. Gangrade is working as a Faculty in Department of Mechanical Engineering at KJSCE since June 1991. Since April 2022, he is also appointed Rector of Somaiya Vidyavihar University Hostel to facilitate students for better living environment in Somaiya Vidyavihar campus.He is graduate in Mechanical Engineering from Government college of Engineering Jabalpur (M.P.) and post graduate from IIT Bombay in Design Engineering and completed PhD in the area of Tribology (Fluid Film Bearing) under supervision of Dr. S.S. Mantha (Ex-Chairman, AICTE) and Dr. V.M. Phalle from VJTI, (Mumbai University). Presently he is Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering
He has 33 years’ experience in teaching field and published more than 25 papers in International / National conferences. He is member of many professional body like, ISTE (Indian Soc. for Technical Education) ,ISME (Indian Society for Mechanical Engineers), TSI (Tribology Society of India), NSFMFP (National Society of Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power) and Institution of Engineers (India). He has also work as a Chairman of subject board at the university level, Associate Dean (AP), Associate Head and Head of Department (Mechanical Engineering) at KJSCE (2008-12), Secretary and Chairman for ISTE- teachers Chapter at KJSCE (2008 -13), Chairman (DEC) (2015-16) and Coordinator for national and International conferences / workshops. He has also worked as elected member of HR-committee, KJSCE (2014-18) and also member of Board of Management-KJSCE. (2016 -18).
At Present, He is working as a PG - Coordinator (Mech.-CCR) , Minor Program Coordinator at KJSCE, Core Faculty for Entrepreneurship minor program, Placement Coordinator (Mech. Engg.) , Industry-Institute-Interaction Board Coordinator (Mech. Engg) and Faculty Advisor for Team Eta and also guiding the project of Team Orion and Team Baja.
B E (Mech Engg),Rani Durgavati Uni. Jabalpur,1990
M.Tech (Design Engg),IIT Bombay,1996
PhD,VJTI (Mumbai University),2019
- The energy demand and greenhouse gas emission of traditional cold storage leads to global warming. The cooling process of the room is properly carried out in the purpose to ensure high quality and safety of products. This study examined a room with a surface of 35×29×17 (ft) and a well-insulated chamber and examined the heat exchange from the side surfaces and ceiling. Heat and mass transfer in cold rooms is a complex phenomenon because of the presence of the air flow and the coupling between heat transfer and airflow. Temperature, velocity, humidity and heat transfer coefficient measurements were carried out in a ventilated cold room filled with fruits and vegetables. This Project also aims of designing a stacking system for onion which takes care of all aspects. Engineering tools and methodologies has been used first to evaluate the proposed design and analysis the areas of improvement in it to reach the goal of cost effective and user-friendly staking system for onion for medium (50 MT) to large scale (100 MT) onion storage systems. CFD analysis for the staking system have been carried out for the cold room in which stacking system is to be stored.
: Design, Development and Simulation of Electric Ambu-Lifts for Airport Application at Nandan GSE
- Ambu-Lift is a kind of a special-purpose vehicle with airport specific application to attend, lower down, lift, and transport patients and disabled persons from ground to aircraft deck and contrariwise easily in normal as well as emergency conditions. These ambu-lifts operate on diesel chassis and thus have harmful exhaust gas emissions, high noise and lower fuel economy as well as higher maintenance for their operations. The project e-Ambulift demonstrates the electrification of an Ambulift right from design, simulation and experimentation. in this e-Ambulift project, a simulation model for the electric vehicle has been created in matlab simulink software wherein the input parameters are fed into the model for the required output results that are necessary for the e-ambulift. The created simulink model is firstly verified with the results from other papers published in reputed journals. The results of simulation from matlab simulink model for defined parameters are compared with the results obtained by experimentation / testing of the real- world Electric Ambu-Lift developed from the same defined inputs. Various output parameters like total energy consumption, vehicle speed, battery voltage, current, State of Charge (SOC) and distance(range) are evaluated from simulation and compared with experimental results for self-defined drive cycle and input parameters in this project. The results are also obtained on simulation model for various available drive cycles. This project also includes the effect of regenerative braking and auxiliary loads on the output parameters. The project concludes with the comparative analysis of the electric ambu-lift with more aspects of future work in this domain.
: EV Charging Station Experience Design - TATA Elxsi Limited,, Bangalore
one week Training Program in Mechatronics (Dec 2019)
Member of organizing Team: Tribo-india-2018
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