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Mon-Fri, 9.30am to 5.30pm
(To update profile)
Dr. Manoj Janardan Pawar, completed Bachelors degree in Automobile Engineering, Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering and Doctoral degree in Mechancial Engineering. He is having 16 years of academic and 3 years of research experience. His area of experties is Engineering Tribology, Composite Materials, Electric Vehicles, Numerical Analysis etc. He is having 14 peer reviewed publications in indexed journals, 5 book chapters and 1 copyright granted to his credit.
PhD,Malaiviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur,2017
ME Mechanical,Shivaji University, Kolhapur,2012
BE Automobile,Shivaji University, Kolhapur,2004
DME,MSBTE, Mumbai,2001
Consultancy work of Rs. 8,10,000 at Kohli Printing and Converting Machines Pvt Ltd., Ambernath
Participated in “9th Summer School in Tribology” organized by Tribology Society of india at indian Oil institute of Petroleum Management from 19 – 23 June 2017.
Participated in special workshop on “Advanced Developments in Beam and Plate Theories and Structural Dynamics” at MNIT, Jaipur form 4 – 6 Jan 2014.
Participate in one week STC on “Nanotechnology and its applications” at MNIT Jaipur from 7 – 11 Oct 2013.
Participated in two days workshop on “Recent Trends in Composites” at Annasahed Dange College of Engineering and Technology, Ashta (Sangli) on 27th and 28th Sept 2016.
Participated in two week STTP on “Engineering Thermodynamics” conducted by IITB at remote centre RIT, Sakhrale (Sangli) from 11 Dec-21 Dec 2012.
Participated in one week STTP on “Recent Trends in Precision Mechanical Measurement” at SCOE, Pune (organized under TEQUIP-II) from 26Nov-01 Dec, 2012.
Participated in ISTE Approved one week STTP on “Finite Elemental Analysis and Their Applications in Science and Engineering” at Annasaheb Dange Collage of Engineering and Technology, Ashta (Dist: Sangali) during 20-24 Dec, 2010.
Participated in workshop WIPRO Mission 10X workshop conducted at Sou. Shushila Dhanchand Charitable Trust’s Group of institutions, atigre (Dist: Kolhapur) during 13-17 Dec, 2010.
Participated in AICTE sponsored one week STTP on “Knowledge Management: Issues and Challenges” at SVNIT, Surat during 04-08, Jan 2010.
Participated in ISTE approved one week STTP on “Nano Technology” at Shri Vitthal Education and Research institute’s Collage of Engineering, Pandharpur (Dist: Solapur) during 15-19 Dec,2008.
Participated in AICTE and ISTE sponsored one week STTP on “Computer Aided Drafting” at Govt. Polytechnic, Amravati during 16-21 June, 2008.
Participated in ISTE sponsored one week STTP on “Robotics and its Applications” at Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues Collage of Engineering, Bandra, Mumbai during 26-30 May, 2008
Participated in five day QIP on “Micro/ Nano Tribology” at IIT, Mumbai during 01-05 Jan, 2007.
Participated in DTE sponsored Training program on “Developing Teaching Competencies” at NITTTR, Bhopal, Ext centre Pune during 09-20 May, 2005.
Participated in AICTE sponsored Two weeks faculty Development Programme (FDP) on "Materials - Processing, Characterization and Applications" conducted during 25th November 2019 to 8th December 2019 at Sri Ramkrishana College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.
Participated in AICTE Sponsored online Short Term Training Program on “Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Technologies for Sustainable Mobility (HEVTSM-2021)” organized by Maharaj Vijayaram Gajapathi Raj College of Engineering (A), Vizianagaram, andhra Pradesh from 28th June to 3rd July 2021.
Participated in AICTE-ISTE sponsored induction/Refresher program on “Sustainable Product Design and Manufacturing (Phase II)” held online Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katara, Himchal Pradesh during May 21-27, 2021.
Successfully completed the 5 day course on 'Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Engineering' organized by Haritha TechLogix in collaboration with Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and the IEEE PES SBC of Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology, Kochi, held from 3rd - 7th August 2020.
Successfully passed 6 days online Proficiency Improvement Programme (oPIP) on “Design & Analysis of ATV using ANSYS Software” jointly organized by The Automotive Research Association of india (ARAI), Pune & ANSYS Software Pvt Ltd, Pune from 30th May to 20th June 2020.
Successfully attended one week Faculty Development Programme on “Pedagogy of Scientific Writing, Reporting and Scholarly Networks” Organised by Feroze Gandhi institute of Engineering and Technology, Raebareli, During June 19-23, 2020.
Participated in 5 day workshop on "IPR Awareness and Skill Development" organized by IPR Cell, NIT Mizoram from 16 March to 20 March 2024
Participated in the one Week National level online Faculty Development Program on Outcome Based Education and Essential AI Tools for Teachers, organised by the internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of St. Thomas College, Palai in association with The Kerala State Higher Education Council (KSHEC)
from 10 January 2024 to 16 January 2024
participating in the Faculty Development Program on “Sharpening the Grant Writing Skills for Funded Research” organised by FSDC, SVU on 8th January 2024
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