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Monday-Friday:9.30am to 5.30pm
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Armed with a Bachelors in Science and Education, a Master’s in Science and Education and NET qualified, Dr Rupal Thakkar is presently working as an Associate Professor at K J Somaiya College of Education. A first ranker throughout her course of Education, Dr Thakkar is a vibrant Practitioner of Educational Psychology, Environmental Education at the B Ed level., Dr Rupal updated her professional skills by acquiring a first class at the PGDME level in 2010. Dr Rupal efficiently handles the Curriculum Design,Development and Evaluation,Educational Management courses at the M Ed level and Understanding of Organisational Behavior at the PGDEM level. An ardent Environmentalist at heart, she has initiated as well as successfully concluded an assortment of Experiential Learning based activities as part of the Environmental club with the panache of an expert. Predictably her thrust areas in research include Experiential Learning in Environmental Education as well as developing strategies/modules for effective teaching learning of English. She is Associated as a Counselor for the M.Ed. (IGNOU ) program in education. In November 2011, Rupal Thakkar presented a joint paper with Dr Kalpana Kharade in the London International Conference on Education which was very well appreciated by the participants. She has completed ICSSR sponsored two year project for training vernacular medium teachers in using ICT for Language Teaching in the year 2015.She has worked as an e content developer for M.Ed course organised by Educational Technology department of SNDT University sponsored project of MHRD.She has acted as a resource person for the sessions for Pedagogy of English for a week-long Rachana Fellowship Winter School at TISS on the theme Inclusive Education for student teachers from all over India in education 2025. She has worked as Reviewer for International Conference on Envisioning Industry 5.0: A Holistic Learning Environment organized by Manjara charitable trust and MCT Mauritius Institute and TIFR (HBCSE).
Her areas of expertise include Experiential learning in Environmental Education, Reflective practices in Teacher education, and the integration of ICT in language teaching. She has been associated with Amrita Vishwam Vidyapeetham Coimbatore as a Doctoral Advisory board member. She has co-authored two books: Foundations of OB and HRM and Educational Psychology for Learning and Teaching. She has successfully guided two M Ed dissertation of University of Mumbai and two M Ed dissertations of Somaiya Vidyavihar University. Currently she is guiding four PhD students.
High School/Metric/ S.S.C.,Punjab School Education Board,1996
H.S.C,Punjab School Education Board,1998
B.Sc.,Punjab University,Chandigarh,2000
B Ed,Punjab University,Chandigarh,2001
M Ed,Punjab University,Chandigarh,2002
M Sc in Ecology and Environmental Science,Sikkim Manipal University,2005
PGDME,Mumbai University,2010
Prepared innovative lesson plans for Science Class VII-VIII(CBSE) for Tata interactive Systems in December,2009.
School audit conducted at SK Somaiya Vinay Mandir Jr College and School in October,2014.
Training of in- service teachers of Manohar Kotwal Trust Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Vikhroli in the Techniques of Personality Assessments of students on Feb 16,2016.
Conducted a one day workshop for college teachers on the themes-Preparing a Research Proposal, Orientation to NAAC, Orientation to ‘Teaching Skills’ at S K College of Science & Commerce, Nerul, Navi Mumbai on August 7,2016.
Training of in service teachers of Manohar Kotwal Trust Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Vikhroli in the Techniques of Personality Assessments of students on Feb 16,2016.
Conducted a one day workshop for college teachers on the themes-Preparing a Research Proposal, Orientation to NAAC, Orientation to ‘Teaching Skills’ at S K College of Science & Commerce, Nerul, Navi Mumbai on August 7,2016.
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April 2012
September 2020