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K.J.Somaiya Centre for Studies In Jainism under K.J. Somaiya Institute of Dharma Studies, SIMSR Management Building, Somaiya Campus, Vidhyavihar, Mumbai 400077
(To update profile)
'The Tree' does not bother about 'Flowers that fall'.
It is always busy making 'New flowers blossom'
Life is not about what we lost so far,
It's about 'What we can still grow'.
Registered Ph.D,Philosophy Dept, Mumbai University.,2015
B Com.,Mumbai University,1989
Diploma in Yoga and Meditation, Teachers Training course,Yoga Vidya Niketan, Mumbai.,1995
- M.A. in Jain Philosophy and Comparative Religion,Jain Vishva Bharati University,1999
Diploma in World Religion,K.R. Cama Oriental Institute. Mumbai,2002
Certificate Course in Prakrit,Apabhrans Sahitya Academy, Jaipur,2004
Certificate Course in Prakrit & Manuscriptology.,, Bogihlal Leharchand (B.L) Institute Refresher Course, Delhi.,2005
Certificate Course in Maritime Heritage of India,St. Zavier’s College, Mumbai.,2005
Diploma in Jyotish Shastra.,Mumbai,2006
Diploma in Prakrit,Apabhrans Sahitya Academy, Jaipur.,2006
M.A. in Philosophy,Mumbai University,2013
Name of the book: Saman Suttam: A Comprehensive Study (part 1,2,3 & 4).
Editors: Dr. Geeta Mehta and Dr. Kokila Shah.
Compiler: Ms.Varsha Shah
Publication: Somaiya Publication Pvt. Ltd. ISBN: 978-81-7039-297-2
K.J.Somaiya centre for studies in Jainism had undertaken an extensive research project Saman Suttam: A Comprehensive Study running in four volumes. The book contains fundamentals of Jainism. The peculiarity of the book is to find out original sources from scriptures and commentaries from various Acharyas.
Based on the book Saman Suttam, ‘Saman Suttam: A Comprehensive Study’ contains an exposition of 756 aphorisms (sutras) interwined together interesting compendium of Jain Philosophy under common umbrella compiled from 48 major texts of both Svetamber and Digamber sects.
The purpose of publishing exposition of 756 aphorisms in four volumes was to break and rejuvenate the old boundaries, create new frontier promoting positive and vibrant environment from the crux of wisdom and gain valuable insights from scriptural knowledge.
Following are the summarized content of four volumes.
The 1st volume ‘Saman Suttam: A Comprehensive Study (part 1)’ contains expositions on 191 aphorism reflecting the wisdom compiled from total 36 texts. This volume stresses on value of ahimsa(147 p401), the 49th aphorism given on page 141 reveals key to happiness. Aphorism 176 on page 479 quotes on significance of knowledge which being a characteristic of soul, enlightens not only the self (svaprakashak) but also enlightens others (par- prakashak). in Aphorism 122 p330, soul is regarded both as Vaitarni and Nanadana van. Aphorism 106(p289) explains on the nature of the soul. Aphorism 164 (P449) gives a unique definition on karma. It says carelessness is influx of karma, vigilance is stoppage of finds the meaning of the term Sramana, Brahman, Muni,sadhu, Tapas. Sramana is one who has the quality of equanimity, Brahman is he who has the quality of self control. Sadhu/ Muni is he who possesses knowledge. Tapas is he who practices austerity.
The 2nd volume ‘Saman Suttam: A Comprehensive Study (part 2)’ starts from aphorism 192 to 383, i.e. it contains exposition on 192 aphorisms compiled from 32 scriptural texts. The theme of this volume is path to liberation (tri- ratna) and the result of liberation. Aphorism 236 (p135) guides one to develop compassion instead of seeing ills / flaws of others. Aphorism 247(p167) explains the difference between attachment and detachment. Aphorism 353(p518) gives the reason to eat before sunset. Aphorism 364(p473) reflects on importance of observing Vratas i.e Yama and Niyam removes evil tendency, balances the disturbing mind and removes inner conflicts.
The 3rd volume ‘Saman Suttam: A Comprehensive Study (part 3)’ commences from aphorism 384 to 587, containing expositions on 204 aphorism compiled from 35 scriptural texts. This volume reflects on key to successful meditation(sutra no.424,p98), Aphorism 519(p356) pondering over self, Aphorism 547 to 565 showing the process of purification, aphorism 567 (p497) while mentioning on the meaning of death, says that a body is liken to a boat, the soul is a boatman and worldly existence is like an ocean to crossed over. Aphorism 571(p509) points to the state of Samadhi marana.
The 4th volume ‘Saman Suttam: A Comprehensive Study (part 4)’ commences from aphorism 588 to 756. It contains exposition on 179 aphorism compiled from 24 scriptural texts. This volume contains important Jain metaphysics and principles of anekantvada. Aphorism 589 (p3) says that a person who has developed right perspective (samyaktva) always seeks the truth and considers all living being as his friends, aphorism 730(p397)he acts as a mediator solving disputes among people through his multi-angle (anekant) perspective. Such a person is also considered as atmajna (knower of a soul) quoted in aphorism747-8 (p431).
Hope these four volumes will make an interesting reading. A big word of appreciation to the wonderful editors and the staff of Jain centre who tirelessly worked in the completion of the project. Shri Samir Somaiya (Vice-President, Vidhyavihar) supported the project, Shri V. Ranganathan(Hon.Secretary) and Shri Rajan Welukar (Provost) had encouraged the project throughout. Both the institution ICSSR and ICPR have supported this project by way of funding.
‘Saman Suttam: A Comprehensive Study (part 1 to 4)’ aims at providing an interdisciplinary forum and a great opportunity for researchers, academicians, ardent students. We are confident of achieving new challenging milestone with the readers continued support.
attended Six months Research Methodology Course.
Upgradation of teaching technology
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