The Emerging Field of Neuromarketing with Special Reference to Indian Market.
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With the ever-increasing proliferation of products and services in the marketing world, it has become important for marketers to actually gauge the mind of consumers. Neuromarketing is one such attempt wherein the mind of consumers is mapped in literal sense by sophisticated techniques including fMRI and EEG, among others. The research is conceptual in nature, where in it gives an account of what neuromarketing is and what it is not. Next, the study traces back the history of neuromarketing in the global marketing environment. In the end it discusses the neuromarketing practices in India in recent years and how it is going to expand in the near future.Neuromarketing is a process of studying the consumer behavior by application of various tools. It is a technique that probes deep into the non-conscious actions performed by a consumer and how these reactions influence the buying behavior.