
A Neuro Fuzzy Approach for Hand Gesture Recognition

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Shweta Dour & Jayshree Kundargi
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International Conference and Workshop in Emerging Trends in Technology
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  • Abstract

This paper introduces a hand gesture recognition system to recognize real time gesture in unstrained environments. We present a fuzzy rule-based approach to spatio-temporal hand gesture recognition. This approach employs a powerful method based on neural networks for selecting templates. Templates for each hand shape are represented in the form of crisp IF-THEN rules that are extracted from the values of synaptic weights of the corresponding trained neural network. Each crisp IF-THEN rule is then fuzzified by employing a special membership function in order to represent the degree to which a pattern is similar to the corresponding antecedent part. When an unknown gesture is to be classified, each sample of the unknown gesture is tested by each fuzzy rule. The accumulated similarity associated with all samples of the input is computed for each hand gesture in the vocabulary, and the unknown gesture is classified as the gesture yielding the highest accumulative similarity.

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