
“Readings of Psychology in the Bhagavadgita”

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Kishor Vidya Niketan
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Readings of Psychology in the Bhagavadgita Name : RESHMA GOVARDHAN KAMBLE Topic : Readings of Psychology in the Bhagavadgita Psychology is the science of psyche. The word “Psyche”, commonly translated, mind, soul or behavior. Herman Ebbingaus said that “Psychology has a long past, but only a short history”. What this means is that psychology has been a formal discipline for little more than 100 years but that its enduring issues were phrased centuries before by philosophers, theologians, and everyday people. Amongst Indians it always hidden in their philosophical thought. In the western world by the late nineteenth century many philosophers had turned their attention to question about the human mind – How do we perceive the world around us? Do people have free will or are their actions determined by events outside and inside their bodies? What is the link between mind and body - between the physical world (in which our bodies clearly exist) and our thoughts, feelings and consciousness? After many findings of such question, a new idea emerged, the possibility of a scientific field of psychology. And once this idea took shape, the new field of psychology itself quickly developed. So we can see here in western world western philosophers have given separate space to the psychological thought. Whereas, in Indian philosophy scholars have been explained philosophy and psychology both parallel. In Sa?khyakarika while talking about Puru?a and Prak?ti, Kapila Muni elaborates Mahat, Aha?kara, Manas, Jñanedriya (sense organs) and Karmendriya (work organs) – these psychological terms diffusely. In Vedantasara, Shri. Sadanandayogi gives philosophical teachings for the Mumuk?utva (liberation), along this he also thoroughly explained on Vijñananmayako?a, Manomayako?a and pra?amayko?a. Where he quotes Buddhijñanendriya? sahita Vijñananmayako?o. It means Vijñananmayako?a is the combination of intellect and sense organs. Manastu jñanendriyai? sahita? sanmanomayako?

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