
“ Role of mind in personality development as reflected in Bhagavadgita”

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International Journal Of Sanskrit Research
Publishing Date
Vol. 7
Issue 6

ABSTRACT Many philosophers have tried to find out the answer of the question, who am I? But psychologist endeavour on what is the nature of ‘I’? A person, as he thinks, feels and behaves, accordingly he develops his personality. Psychologists study behaviour, experience and mental processes. It seeks to understand and explains how the mind works and how different mental processes result in different behaviours. When we observe others as common people our own points of view or our ways of understanding the world influences our interpretation of their behaviours and experiences. Psychologists try to minimize such biases in their explanations of behaviour and experience by seeking their analysis in scientific and objective way. Hence according to Robert Baron, psychology is best defined as “The science of behaviour and cognitive processes”. Our Indian scriptures have given valuable explanation to clarify many psychological theories. The Bhagavadgita is one among them. The first chapter of the Gita starts with the confused and nervous mind of Arjuna and further, in the whole of the Gita God gives precious and valuable teachings to make him strong. According to modern psychology the human mind never stops to think because its natural tendency is to create thoughts in the mind. Though the body remains stable, the mind cannot remain still. It continuously does its work of thinking. The Bhagavadgita explains in detail how happiness and sorrow depend on the quality of thoughts. And thoughts reveal the personality of a person. This paper will highlight on the role of mind elaborated by the Bhagavadgita as a practical analysis of being a guide to one’s life, to clarify one’s vision and to understand the life to develop own personality.

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