
Comparative analysis of PID and Fuzzy logic Controller:A case of Furnace Temperature Control
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Furnace temperature controller has a large overshoot and constant oscillation error. To solve this problem there are several studies done on the PID type furnace temperature controller with different PID parameters, but this method is not efficient because of the nonlinearity of temperature. Due to this reason, the overshoot happens and steady-state errors are observed. Other researchers have shown that the inclusion of one more controller with a PID controller, such as a fuzzy logic controller can improve the results as compared to the use of the PID controller alone. The objective of this research is to experiment on the PID and fuzzy logic controller hardware and compare the results with those obtained from the simulation. In addition to this, the objective also is to find out the type of controller that would be most efficient in terms of settling time and the overshoot. This paper presents the comparison of PID and fuzzy logic controller simulation and experimentation on the hardware of the same. Results show that the fuzzy logic controller is slightly better than the PID controller in terms of the settling time. The PID controller is better than fuzzy logic in terms of peak overshoot. Better results can be obtained from the fuzzy logic controller by increasing the number of inputs or membership functions.