
Evaluating User Satisfaction in an E-Government Initiative: Results of Structural Equation Modeling and Focus Group Discussions
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A major domain of e-government research has been the examination of information delivery to citizens. These ser- vices involve communications and transactions between government, at various levels, and citizens. The rise of these services has led to a concurrent need to develop models of citizen satisfaction with e-governmental services. This research aim s to contribute to this need by devising such a model—EGOVSAT—and using it to evaluate citizen satisfaction. This model includes various performance and emotional measures. To explore its applicability , the model is applied to online Advanced Transportation Information Systems (ATIS), a form of government-to-citizen online service delivery . This paper presents results of a statistical analysis of an online survey conducted to evaluate ATIS initiatives in Los Angeles (n = 155) and Minneapolis/St. Paul (n = 246). Using structural equation modeling, a highly statistically significant goodness-of-fit was found for the EGOVSAT model, which included 11 measures capturing three constructs (utility, efficiency, customization) as affecting four emotional dimensions (confidence, pleasantness, frustration, satisfaction). These quantitative results w ere then supplemented with qualitative findings from three focus groups that were conducted with survey participants. The overall results suggest that there is value in utilizing a robust measure of citizen satisfaction, such as measured by EGOVSAT.