Coritocapsular adhesions during cataract surgery: Associations and Implications -An Observational Study
- Abstract
Corticocapsular adhesions (CCA) are adhesions formed between the lens capsule and the adjacent cortical layer. They can have significant implications during cataract surgery, affecting procedures such as capsulorrhexis, hydrodissection, and nuclear rotation. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of CCA and its associations with gender, cataract type, and systemic illnesses. A total of 120 eyes with uncomplicated cataracts were examined, and CCA presence and severity were documented. The results showed a higher incidence of CCA in female subjects, particularly in cortical and mixed cataracts. Diabetes mellitus was also found to be associated with CCA. Understanding these associations can aid in preoperative assessment and guide surgical strategies to minimize complications during cataract surgery.