
Assessment of Performance and Emission Characteristics of Compression Ignition Engine Using Diesel and Diesel Biodiesel Blends: Experimental and Simulation Studies with Data Analysis Techniques
- Abstract
Control of air pollution has more concern due to its adverse effect on health and the environment. The increase in air pollution is due to the utilization of fossil fuels to satisfy the energy demand. Exhaust emissions from internal combustion engines are one of the major contributors to environmental pollution, hence control of the same at and after the source is most important, which is the focus of the present study. This study primarily focuses on the use of biodiesel as an alternative fuel to substitute partially diesel fuel, which is one of the promising solutions to counter the adverse effects of engine emissions. The present study comprises three stages. Initially, experiments were conducted on a diesel engine (5 HP, 1500 rpm, water-cooled, and direct injection) using both diesel and biodiesel blend (B20, 80% diesel, and 20% biodiesel) to assess the performance and emission parameters at various engine loads, while maintaining an engine speed (1500 rpm) constant. In the second stage, a Simulink model was created to validate the engine performance and emission parameters obtained during the experimental study. Lastly, data analysis techniques were employed in the third stage to facilitate decision-making based on the acquired data, ensuring a certain level of confidence and accuracy. This study utilizes both univariate and bivariate data analysis techniques to interpret the experimental data obtained from the engine. From the theoretical analysis, it is observed that there is a good agreement between the experimental and predicted values of performance and emission parameters of the engine. From the data analysis it is observed that when the engine is fueled by B20 fuel, there is an increase in NOx emissions by approximately 8 ~ 11% and CO2 emissions by approximately 7 ~ 17% in comparison with diesel fuel for the entire range of engine loads. Conversely, there is a decrease in unburned hydrocarbon (UBHC) emissions by 1.27 ~ 29.6% and CO emissions by 13 ~ 42%