Machine Learning for Weather Prediction and Forecasting for Local Weather Station using IoT
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The aim of our project is to monitor several aspects of weather using IoT based smart system and to predict the future values. The main advantage of using this concept is it helps in monitoring weather of a local area and thus it helps in developing a microclimate system. Based on the monitored database it predicts the future weather of a particular zone thereby making the result more accurate and relevant for the zone. This system a portable alternative that can be adapted in broader applications. It is better than the existing websites which displays collective weather information whereas our system is more specific to the changes in weather adhering to a particular area. It can find its application in corporate offices, hospitals, educational premises such as schools, colleges and university campuses to switch to optimum temperature as per requirements. Microcontroller is interfaced with Wi-Fi module which helps to send the sensed data to the open source platform. IoT provides a platform to display and store the parameters in cloud which is extracted in the form of CSV file. The extracted data is fed to a Machine learning model that uses Time series analysis algorithm called as ARIMA. This model predicts future values of the various weather parameters which are then displayed onto the server.