
Developing Pre-service Teachers’ conceptualization of Art Integrated Learning and Art Integrated Mathematical Pedagogical Practices

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Aprajita Jain & Rupal Thakkar
Academe Journal Of Education And Psychology
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  • Abstract

“Destiny of India is being shaped in its classroom” These words of Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru are true and relevant, that even in this era of digitalization where classrooms are aided with educational technology, the importance of teachers and innovative teaching techniques cannot be disregarded. The new education paradigms can be fostered firstly by understanding human psychology and then by creating conducive and innovative learning experiences for learners. The arts-based curriculum breaks traditional boundaries allowing students to challenge established ideas and resist stereotyped worldviews. Teachers must realize the dynamic nature of education and must be empowered with new innovative teaching-learning pedagogical practices. CBSE vide Circular no. Accad 33/2020 dated 14th May 2020, has introduced mandatory Art Integrated Project work for classes I to X, as part of Subject-Enrichment activities under Internal Assessment. The present study aimed to conceptualize Art Integrated Learning and develop Art Integrated Learning as Mathematical pedagogical practice among pre-service teachers to make the teaching-learning process more effective and student-centric. The design for the study was pre-test and post-test scores of single group design. All the 20 pre-service teachers from KJ Somaiya College of Education within the Mumbai metropolis constituted the population of the study. Findings of the study revealed that there was significant difference in the conceptual understanding of Art Integrated Learning among pre-service teachers. Also, the qualitative analysis showed that pre-service teachers were motivated to use Art Integrated Learning, an innovative teaching strategy as a Mathematical pedagogical approach. Key terms: Pre-service teachers, Art Integrated Learning, Mathematical Pedagogical Approach

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