
Thermal and micro-segregation model applied to fusion-based additive manufacturing of Ni-based superalloy Haynes 282
- Abstract
Haynes 282 is a high-temperature creep-resistant material that is used in various applications like gas turbines, hot sections of aircraft engines, and advanced supercritical boilers. Various fusion-based additive manufacturing methods are being used for the manufacture and repair of these parts with complex geometries. Rapid solidification rates experienced during these processes lead to non- equilibrium conditions due to which there is segregation of the elements along the dendritic/cellular solidified regions. The aim of this study is to predict the micro-segregation during fusion-based additive manufacturing of Haynes 282 using different models. The temperature evolution during the process was simulated using the Finite Element Model. The temperature gradient and cooling rates that were obtained were used as input to a model for predicting micro-segregation, developed by Yao et al. This model considers various parameters including velocity-dependent partitioning, constitutional supercooling, and back diffusion in the solid phase. The results were compared with the Scheil-Gulliver analytical model and Scheil-Gulliver with solute trapping model simulations using Thermo-CalcR package. Also, experimental values available in the literature were used for the purpose of comparison. It can be concluded that, along with the other parameters, the interactions among the solute elements play an important role in micro-segregation and need to be considered in the micro- segregation model to obtain improved results in case of multicomponent alloys. Keywords: micro-segregation, multicomponent system, Haynes 282, additive manufacturing, simulation