
Rethinking learning in Teacher Education: Creating Compassionate Teachers
- Abstract
Abstract “If we want to reach real peace in the world, we shall have to begin with the Children.” Mahatma Gandhi The current education system needs to move away from compartmentalization of different aspects of learning where the focus has been on cognitive aspects only. NEP (2020) has stressed upon incorporating social, emotional and ethical learning in the school system. This calls for reform in teacher education curriculum which should be aligned with the SEE learning opportunities through formal and informal learning platforms. As pre -service teachers are the one who can scaffold in moving children’s journey progressive related to developmental indicators of SEE learning. Through this paper, the researchers have made an attempt by suggesting strategies to equip pre-service teachers to main dimensions(Awareness, Compassion, and Engagement)core domains(personal, social and systems) and related competencies like: Communication, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving; Interpersonal Engagement; Global Citizenship and Civic Engagement, Information Literacy and Ethical and Moral Reasoning, Self-Efficacy and Self-Awareness which can be explored in the context of SEE learning. The researchers have recommended integrating SEE in Teacher Education curriculum framework for creating compassionate teachers who will create global humane citizens. For the successful implementation of SEE learning, there is a need for a pedagogical model which creates insightful thinkers by using four key learning threads: engaged learning pedagogies, scientific perspectives, critical thinking and reflective practices. Key words: Social, Emotional and Ethical Learning, Pre-service teachers, dimensions, domains; Competencies and Pedagogical model