
“G-Suit Based Application for Calculation of Course and Program Outcome Attainment”,
- Abstract
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Outcome based education focuses on attributes in the domain of knowledge, skill and attitude. ABET/NBA has laid down graduate attributes / program outcomes(PO) which students are expected to achieve during their span of graduation. The attainment of program outcomes is based on course outcome(CO) attainment and indirect tools like surveys, curricular and extracurricular activities etc. For every faculty member calculations related to CO attainment and analysis of indirect attainments is a tedious task because of variety of assessment tools and large number of students. Commercial tools are available for similar purpose. The paper describes in house tool developed as an assistance for managing the task using Gsuits applications (spreadsheets). This tool provides linked google spreadsheets for each assessment with customized weights and formulas designed as per norms of institute. This ensures uniformity and correctness in method of CO assessment across the institute. The use of functions and formulas available in Google spreadsheets helps to integrate all individual act sheets in single course attainment sheet which shows relation of CO with PO and its attainment level. The system is implemented successfully for last three semesters and feedback from faculty and staff reveals that, the developed tool helps error free attainment calculations and saving in 40 to 60% time of faculty members as compared to manual method. The use of tool can be further extended for creating program coordinators view for attainment of program outcomes of a graduating batch.